Food Sensitivity Testing

The #1 most common question I get asked by new patients is “Do you do food sensitivity testing?”

Food sensitivities and food sensitivity testing has become a hot (and hotly debated) topic. Patients are interested in this type of testing because they often notice that foods seem to impact symptoms they’re experiencing yet they’re having trouble clearly or completely identify the offending foods.

It’s tough to determine which foods are causing you grief because we’re typically eating mixed meals, which may be processed, and they’re often consumed outside of the home (so we’re not exactly sure what’s in everything anyways). Plus reactions are often delayed…so you could be reacting to something you ate yesterday vs. breakfast this morning.

There are 2 ways to identify foods that you are currently sensitive to: elimination diet and reintroduction period OR IgG food sensitivity blood test.

Health conditions that may be linked to food sensitivities

What are food sensitivities?

Food sensitivities are a delayed reaction to specific foods in your diet. They can cause uncomfortable and sometimes harmful symptoms.
In a food sensitivity reaction, complexes form between the offending food and our immune cells (IgG cells). These complexes travel through our blood stream and land in various tissues, creating centres of inflammation wherever they end up. Food sensitivities become a problem when inflammation mounts faster than we can get rid of it. Especially if we are continuously re-exposed to the foods that our body is reacting to.
How inflammation expresses itself varies depending on the person. And it’s precisely why this particular type of food reaction has been linked to all kinds of seemingly unrelated symptoms. Because the onset of these reactions are delayed it can make self-diagnosis super challenging.

Results can be surprising as any number of foods in your diet could be responsible for your symptoms.

I have successfully treated many patients with food sensitivities. Their symptoms have ranged from chronic coughs to eczema to migraines to menstrual cramps. And I haven’t even mentioned anything that has to do with digestion! Digestive issues are the biggest indication for food sensitivity testing. If you have ever been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), you need a food sensitivity test!
Many people talk about food sensitivity testing being “unscientific” and that’s just not true. There is quite a bit of scientific literature to support the use of this type of test.

What is food sensitivity testing?

A food sensitivity test is a blood test used to identify foods your body is reacting to. It tests your body’s immune response to approximately 120-200+ foods (depending on how comprehensive the test is).

Should I get tested for food sensitivities?

Patients experience immense symptom relief and health optimization when reactive foods are removed from the diet.

If you experience any of the symptoms or conditions I listed above, I definitely recommend food sensitivity testing.

If you’ve ever felt like your symptoms are linked to something in your diet, but you can’t put your finger on what, then I also recommend food sensitivity testing.

Food sensitivity FACT SHEET

Book a visit with Dr. Natalie and have your food sensitivities tested!

Does OHIP cover food sensitivity testing?

No. OHIP does not cover food sensitivity testing. Extended health benefit plans will sometimes cover all or part of the cost. Otherwise, it is an out of pocket expense.

Sample Test Result (excerpt)

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