Dr. Natalie Bozinovski ND MSc., helps women to identify the root cause of their health issues and upgrade how they look & feel using functional testing and science-based, holistic medicine.

Dr. Natalie Bozinovski

Virtual Naturopathic Doctor

Focus on Women's Health & Wellness

Evidence-based, holistic, naturopathic care to help you look and feel your best.

Areas of Focus

Living in an urban environment has a huge impact on our health, but 

naturopathic medicine can help

We spend less time in nature, experience increased amounts of stress (read: constant fight or flight mode), and exposure to environmental pollution is a part of daily life. This messes with our hormones, mood & energy in a big way.  We simply cannot look nor feel our best, until we focus on these contributors to disease and correct course.

Let me help you master healthy living in the city.

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Dr. Natalie Bozinovski, ND., MSc.

Ok, so you’ve started to notice that things just don’t feel the same anymore

Maybe 2 glasses of wine suddenly give you a raging hangover, you’re exhausted & anxious, your periods are painful, the sugar cravings won’t quit, and fitting into your favourite jeans has become a distant fantasy. 

You know what those symptoms scream?

“Dr. B, my hormones need some love!”

The truth is, we CAN get your hormones regulated and get you feeling better.  It just takes a little bit of strategy (my job) and a little bit of commitment (your job). Despite all the messaging women have received… suffering is not a necessary part of aging, nor the female experience.

I help women, take control of their health and reset their bodies so that they can reclaim their female vitality.

Virtual Appointments

All appointments will take place online. Any necessary test kits or requisitions will be shipped or emailed to you for your convenience.

Do you identify as “burnt out”?

  1. Emotional exhaustion – the fatigue that comes from caring too much, for too long;
  2. Depersonalization – the depletion of empathy, caring, and compassion; and
  3. Decreased sense of accomplishment – an unconquerable sense of futility: feeling that nothing you do makes any difference.

You’re not alone. Feeling burnt out is becoming increasingly common, especially amongst women. We do a lot for the people around us and yet we’re always telling ourselves it’s not enough. This pattern eventually wears us down – both emotionally and physically. 

Have you heard “Your bloodwork is normal, you’re fine”…

…and yet, you can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong with your body? Tuning into your intuition (& your body’s signals) gives you important information. And is an extremely underrated skill, not to be diminished. 

If you feel like something is “off”, then you’re probably right. I’m really good at uncovering the root cause of those hard to diagnose symptoms – like unexplainable bloating, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss. 

These can be caused by a hidden hormone imbalance and conventional blood work often isn’t sensitive enough to give us the right information.

P.S. I’ll never tell you that your (fill in the blank) symptom is “all in your head”.

Girl stuff?

Whether it’s crippling pain, irregular periods, fertility challenges, or terrible mood swings, I’ve got your back. Women live their entire lives thinking it’s “normal” to feel really shitty during our periods. Just because something is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal. 

Optimal periods are a sign of good health in a female body. That’s what we’ll be seeking to restore in our work together. 

Even if long-term period problems have had you on the pill for years (I get it, I’ve been there), we’ll get you back to hormonal harmony.

Let's hang out online!

I’m virtual naturopathic doctor in Toronto, Canada who helps women improve their health using science-based natural medicine and clinical nutrition. Meet me on social, where I share the most current research and proven naturopathic health tips.

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